Case Studies & Results
52 Demos booked in 80 days for Instreamatic
How we booked calls with Google or Amazon for Juggle Street
Background: Juggle Street is an on-demand job platform connecting parents with trusted carers and tutors.
They were looking to get prospects for their new "Employee Benefits" offer.
Target: HR decision makers in big organisations in Australia
Average Results: 150 qualified prospects in 6 months
How we did it: We first used LinkedIn to identify prospects in age of being parents. If more than 20% of workers were suceptible to be parents we connected with their HR departments with a simple email. This resulted in 150 calls over 6 months with companies like Google, Amazon, Sony Music...
Context: Instreamatic redefines the advertising landscape, harnessing AI to transform the creation, delivery, and optimization of contextual video and audio ads
Target: Marketing Agencies, Publishers, Brands
Average Results: 17 demos/ month
How we do it: We send 500 ultra personalized emails/ day targeting either budget holders or final decision makers. We are getting a 8% reply rate with a 2% lead to meeting booked ratio
35 prospects/ Month at a 27% close rate for Zymplify (7-9 new clients/ month)
Background: is a comprehensive digital marketing platform that helps businesses streamline and automate their marketing campaigns to drive growth and increase customer engagement.
Average Results: 35 qualified prospects/ month
Target: Founders, CEOs, CMOs, Head of marketing, Head of Sales, VP Sales & Marketing in SMBs in the UK, USA & Canada.
How we do it: We send 400 emails/day, 70%+ open rate with a 15% reply rate.
100+ meetings for Objective Leader
Background: Objective Leader is a Leadership coaching provider and they were looking to connect with HR decision makers to sell thei coaching services.
Average Results: 15+ qualified prospects/ month
Target: HR directors, Head of HR, L&D directors, People & Culture directors in companies with at least 300 employees. ​
15 meetings/month for Fleetr
Background: Fleetr is a fleet management tracking solution and they were looking for companies that have a vehicle fleet to sell their solution.
Average Results: 12+ qualified prospects/ month
Target: CEO, Founders, CFO, COOs of Constructions companies, HVAC, Transportation companies​
15 new clients in 3 months for ControlQore
Background: ControlQore is revolutionizing project based finance with an expense management & payment processing cards management solution.
Average Results: 20+ qualified prospects/ month
Target: CEO, Founders, CFO, COOs of Constructions companies.​
150 meetings for Facilitate
Background: Facilitate is a VR training system that enables Schools & Industrial companies to train their Students/employees with Virtual Reality.
Average Results: 20+ qualified prospects/ month
Target: HR directors, Training, L&D, Talent Management​
Ben Bauert
Founder @
SalesGent provides a fantastic service that can extend your outbound reach quickly and effectively anywhere around the globe. Highly recommended.
20 prospects/ Month for ScaleDynamics
Background: ScaleDynamics' Containers-as-a-Service solution saves you an enormous amount of operational time, so you can focus on what matters - your applications that bring value to your business.
Average Results: 30+ qualified prospects/ month
Target: Founders, CEOs, COOs, CTOs, Head of Cloud, Head of IT, CIOs in France.
How we do it: We are using a simple email targeted at companies that leverage cloud.
More Results
Number of meetings every month : 40
Open rate: 51%
Conversion rate : 19%
4MOD Technology
Number of meetings every month: 23
Open rate: 70%
Conversion rate : 12%
Number of meetings every month : 20
Open rate: 61%
Conversion rate : 11%
Employee Benefits
Atrium HR
Number of meetings every month : 33
Open rate: 58%
Conversion rate : 18%